About Me

My First True Love Affair

Hi my name is Tim and and it means sweet in Chinese. I actually started a website not too long ago – from April earlier this year and it’s called Best-Dessert-Recipes.com. Do visit and tell me what you think. It’s been a lot of hard work, late nights and plenty of sacrifices but I think it’s all worth it as making and baking desserts is one of my passions in life.

For those of you who are not Chinese and are curious about my name, it’s not Timothy and so I’m not male.

One of my favourite dessert recipes to make are chocolate dessert recipes. These never fails to put a smile on my hubby’s face, probably because they are just so rich and sweet like me 🙂

Cheesecake CheesecakeMy love affair with desserts started as far as I can recall when I was about 10 years old. In case you’re wondering, that’s a good many years ago but it’s still fresh and vivid in my memory.

It was the first cake I saw mom made.

That afternoon,  I watched, fascinated, as the cake rose to majestic proportions in the oven, from just a creamy batter to a beautiful golden butter cake with an aroma that piqued my interest.

I eagerly “helped” mom with serving the cake and conveniently helped myself to a couple of slices. And it was nothing short of heaven – “my” first cake!

I was inspired to make my first dessert – one day.

Over the years, I learnt the ins and outs of cake and dessert making and “invented” some of my own recipes.


I hope that this website will be a source of inspiration and a satisfying adventure in your love of making desserts. Get my RSS feeds here for new recipes and other updates.

On the other hand, this blog shall be an account of my journey in rediscovering my love for Malaysian desserts after years spent making and baking mostly westernised desserts. I may also try my hand at making some favourite traditional Malaysian and Chinese desserts whenever the opportunity arises and post some of my ramblings and fumblings, if you will, on this blog.

If you are truly inspired by something which you desire, for that you should perspire and make it something you’ll admire.

Sweet Tim

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