The Dessert Way Of Life – At A Glance

Smiling Ever So Sweetly

Desserts To Lift Your Mood

Go to any restaurant and if they say, “Oh, we don’t serve desserts.”, I bet you will walk out immediately. You can’t imagine completing your meal with no desserts. It doesn’t feel whole, huh? Even at a mamak stall, a meal is not a meal without the good ole Teh Tarik.

That’s about how life is, don’t you think so?

Sometimes, you find it frustrating – like chewing beef that is just so hard to digest.
At times, it just sucks – eeew, like lemons. Ouch!
Once in a while, you just can’t stomach it, so bitter the experience – like bitter gourd.
And yes, thank goodness for sweet moments – like honey, that makes us smile when we think about it. That doesn’t make life all that bad after all.

Know how I first started making desserts? It was disastrously hilarious. 🙂

Sweet Tim 🙂

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Cendol Jello, Anyone?

On a hot sunny day, most Malaysians would crave for the Cendol drink. You can find the stalls almost anywhere by the road side. I personally love the one in Subang Jaya, manned by a sprite Indian old man helped by his sons. I would only drink when the old tauke is the one who scoops the drink because he pours in just the right amount of cendol strips and palm sugar syrup.

I love cendol so much that I include them in my dessert ventures as well. I made this delicious Coconut Cendol Jello one Sunday (this dessert is kind of Chinese Nyonya) and my family enjoyed them. I put them in nice cups so we either scoop them up with a spoon or squeeze the jello out from the mould and chomp it just like that!

Coconut Cendol Jello

Delicious Rich Cendol Jello

Try this tried and tested homemade recipe in Chinese dessert recipes of this new site. And most important, use coconut milk that are freshly extracted. I wouldn’t recommend the ready made ones packed in a box – I’ve tried them and I found the coconut milk flavour lacking.

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Easy Piece of Cake, Cheesecake that is.

Well this is not exactly a Malaysian dessert, since this is after all a cheesecake. However I hope this is a cheesecake with a Malaysian touch 😉

Best Easy Cheesecake right from the oven

This homemade rich Best Easy Cheesecake took me only 30 minutes to prepare. I am adding this cheesecake into our quick easy dessert recipes because it is really so easy to make and the results are as good as the best bakery in your town, I promise. Many who have tried a slice this cheesecake asked for more but I had to refuse them all for I only made a tiny cheesecake as you can see.Secret secret * this was intended initially as an experiment as I was baking this with a convection oven, the round type you know?

My cheesecake recipe here uses blueberries as flavour. But instead of fresh blueberries I opted for blueberry yoghurt to save costs – the ones with blueberry bits in it.

Best Easy Cheesecake Slice


100 g		  	Melted Butter
23 pieces		Chocolate Marie Biscuit Crumbs
270 g		       	Cream Cheese; at room temperature
4 tbsp		        Fine Granulated Sugar
1		       	Egg; lightly beaten
140 g	        	Blueberry Yoghurt
1 tsp		       	Vanilla Essence


Melt butter in an oven at low heat until completely melted. Drizzle over biscuit crumbs and keep mixing until crumbs are thoroughly mixed with the melted butter. Leave 2 tablespoons of crumbs for garnish. Meanwhile, press firmly onto base of 7-inch baking pan and bake at 180°C for 10 minutes. Allow to cool before storing in fridge.

Using an electric mixer, beat cream cheese at high speed until smooth and creamy. Add sugar one tablespoon at a time, beating well each time. Add egg and yoghurt. Beat at medium speed for 5 minutes. Add vanilla essence.

Pour cream cheese filling onto chilled crumb base and bake in convection oven at 160°C for 35 minutes. Once cake is done, leave it in the oven for 5 minutes. Garnish with remainder of biscuit crumbs.

Once cheesecake has cooled, chill in fridge for at least 2 hours. Cut cheesecake with a cold knife.

Well, try this and let me know your outcome.

Sweet Tim 🙂

P/S : Ok, ok next adventure shall be Malaysian…..

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