The Dessert Way Of Life – At A Glance

Smiling Ever So Sweetly

Desserts To Lift Your Mood

Go to any restaurant and if they say, “Oh, we don’t serve desserts.”, I bet you will walk out immediately. You can’t imagine completing your meal with no desserts. It doesn’t feel whole, huh? Even at a mamak stall, a meal is not a meal without the good ole Teh Tarik.

That’s about how life is, don’t you think so?

Sometimes, you find it frustrating – like chewing beef that is just so hard to digest.
At times, it just sucks – eeew, like lemons. Ouch!
Once in a while, you just can’t stomach it, so bitter the experience – like bitter gourd.
And yes, thank goodness for sweet moments – like honey, that makes us smile when we think about it. That doesn’t make life all that bad after all.

Know how I first started making desserts? It was disastrously hilarious. 🙂

Sweet Tim 🙂

About malaysiandesserts

Growing up making cakes and cookies I am tracing back to my Malaysian roots in dessert-making. Join me in my adventures and misadventures in learning about and making Malaysian desserts.
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